March 13, 2017

The regular meeting of the Chelsea Fire District was opened at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March 13, 2017 in the District Office.  Present were Comms. Brickner, Flower, Kearns, VanTassel, Secty Y. Tompkins, Treas. Lynne Sheppard, Chief  McCluskey, Training Officer Stevens.

Absent: Comm. Sunseri
The minutes of the February meeting were accepted on a motion by Comm. VanTassel, second by Comm. Flower.

The Treasurer’s Report was accepted on a motion by Comm. Flower, second by Comm. Brickner and showed the following balances:
Checking – $7,748.61;
Aux. Checking - $1,123.92;
Gen. Fund - $30,460.70;
Bldg. Fund – $322,093.94;
Equip. Fund - $257,110.47. 
The bills were approved via Abstract of Audited Vouchers (list attached dated (2/6 through 2/23/17) totaling $7,624.12 and list dated (3/6 through 3/27/17) totaling $42,894.03 on a motion by Comm. VanTassel, second by Comm. Flower.  The bank statements for February were reviewed by Comms. Brickner and Kearns and found correct.  The year end balance of $49,512.00.00 has been found correct.  Money will be deposited equally into the Bldg. and Equip. Funds on a motion by Comm. Brickner, second by Comm. VanTassel. Carried


T.O.W Fire Prevention Bureau notice for member appointments.

L.O.S.A.P 5 year calculations

T.O.F Planning Board Agenda

Copy of letter sent to member regarding cost to replace anniversary mirror.

Certificate for Commissioner Brickner for completion of Commissioner training.

Letter from Company nominating Kenneth Schrimer to position of asst. Chief for 2017.

Chief’s Report.


Comm. Brickner –  Bldgs. OK. Put out mousetraps. 35-67 has been deemed obsolete and
Sold as is for $500.

Comm. Flower –  still haven’t heard back from architect.

Comm. VanTassel –  Fire Police the same. Will have By-Law meeting soon.

Comm. Kearns –   Need certificates for Montour Falls people. 
 SCBA Flow test – set up date to replace.
 Officers need (24) 9 volt batteries and (100) AA Alkaline batteries, Estimate $1285.

 Have requested paper supplies for Chief.

 Commissioners Kearns and Brickner attended Commissioner Training School.


CPR Training – only 7 showed up. There were 20 who need update. Still paying for 3 instructors.

Need Rope System Report for District file.

How was meeting with Jehovah fire team?

Officers need to arrange to do pump training.


The Board approved the reappointment of James Tompkins and Yvonne Tompkins to serve on the T.O.W Fire Prevention Bureau.

Firematic to start servicing apparatus.

Ken Schrimer was approved as Asst. Chief for 2017 on a motion by Comm. Flower, second by Comm. VanTassel. Carried.

Chief’s Report:

Went over 1,2,3,4on report.

Mike Stevens suggested to do June and January on Facebook and not spend more than $50.

Recruitment/Retention April 29, 2017 at Station 2.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM on a motion by Comm. VanTassel, second by Comm. Flower. Carried.


Yvonne M. Tompkins,Secretary